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The Metaverse and Esports: The Next Level of Immersion and Interactivity

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In recent years, the esports business has grown significantly. Newzoo estimates that the value of the global esports market increased by 22% in 2022 to little over $1.38 billion USD. According to experts, it might increase to 1.86 billion US dollars in 2025. Additionally, throughout the past few years, metaverse has made news. What, though, does the future hold for the two together?

AIM: The aim of the seminar is to explore the impact of the metaverse on the esports industry, including its potential to enhance immersion and interactivity, monetization opportunities, and future growth.



  • To provide an overview of the metaverse and its potential in esports

  • To examine the impact of the metaverse on esports tournaments and events

  • To discuss the use of the metaverse in an esports tournament as a case study

  • To analyze the potential for the metaverse to become a staple in esports and beyond

  • To consider the challenges and limitations of the metaverse in esports.



I. Introduction to the Metaverse and MGH (10 minutes, MGH)

  • What is metaverse?

  • MGH introduction

  • Fitchin Introduction

II. The Impact of the Metaverse on Esports (20 minutes, Fitchin)

  • The potential for increased immersion and interactivity in esports tournaments

  • The ability to host events in virtual spaces

  • The potential for new monetization opportunities through virtual goods and in-game advertising

  • New monetization opportunities through brand activations

III. Use Case: The Metaverse in Esports Tournaments (10 minute, Fitchin)

  • Mtn Dew watch party in DCL, a first experience in the metaverse.

  • Example of the Metaverse’s use in esports tournaments: The Virtual Future Esports Championship

  • The benefits of hosting an esports tournament in a metaverse environment

  • Potential challenges and limitations of using the metaverse for esports events

IV. Esport Future through Metaverse immersion (20 minutes, MGH+Fitchin)

  • Potential for the metaverse to expand the fan experience beyond watching tournaments

  • The avatar as a fan ID and developing characters that leave beyond games.

  • Esport teams IP development and boundaries.Potential challenges and limitations to the growth of the team brand and its community in the metaverse

V. Conclusion (10 minutes, MGH+Fitchin)

  • The potential for the metaverse to revolutionize the esports industry

  • The importance of considering the impact of the metaverse on esports as it continues to grow and evolve.

VI. Q&A (10 minutes, MGH+Fitchin)





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This article was written in a collaborative effort by Loha Hashimy — Product Manager at METAGAMEHUB DAO and Co-Founder of Centauri Consortium.

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