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Metaverse Educational Seminars by Centauri Web 3 Consortium

A person using VR wearable device

The Metaverse is no longer a sci-fi concept; it has arrived and is changing the way we interact, work, and play. But what exactly is the Metaverse, and how can you use it to benefit your company or organisation?

MGH is collaborating with EkoLance and some industry players to establish the Centauri Consortium, which will deliver these seminars as part of their educational programs for members and partners.

The Centauri Web3 Consortium is dedicated to fostering the development and adoption of web3 through the creation of open and transparent standards. Our goal is to build a harmonised and scalable ecosystem with interoperability at its core. We strive to educate, standardise, and enable web3 adoption for businesses and creators alike by developing a platform that brings together the best of web3 technology and makes it accessible and user-friendly for all. We invite you to join us in shaping the future of the web.

In order to foster mainstream adoption for web3 we need to move away from “backend” talk and focus more on setting standards for users and businesses alike focusing on education and technical execution. This is where Centauri comes in becoming the facilitator thereof.” Nicolas Weber- Founder of MGH DAO

“In a web3 based consortial ecosystem, education and collaboration are the key elements that allow partners to work together effectively and efficiently. By providing education and training on the latest web3 technologies and best practices, members of Centauri can become proficient in the use of web3 tools and protocols, and create lighthouse projects together being a valued multiplicator.”

Tomal K. Ganguly - Centauri Consortium Founding member


The consortium’s activities will kick off with interactive and educational Metaverse Seminars planned for each first Thursday of the month for an exclusive group of 20 attendees. These seminars, led by industry leaders and experts, will give you the knowledge and insights you need to understand and harness the power of the Metaverse.

Our monthly seminars will cover a variety of industries and sectors, providing real-world case studies and best practices for leveraging the Metaverse to drive innovation and growth. Our interactive sessions will allow you to ask questions and engage in discussions with industry leaders and experts, and you can participate from anywhere thanks to our convenient online format in metaverse. These seminars are backed by key industry players and educational partners as Fitchin, Sports 5, PWC Sports, EY, Decentraland, Polygon, Sandbox, and Frankfort School Blockchain Center.

Don't miss this unique chance to learn the Metaverse; sign up right away on our website and stay up to speed with us on social media (links to twitter, linkedin, and discord) for the most recent information.

Attend our seminars, join the revolution, and change the future. 


"Unlock the Potential of the Metaverse Now!" 



You have the chance to enrol in these seminars and other educational programs offered by Centauri Web3 Consortium as a member or partner, which will enable you to fully comprehend and take advantage of the Metaverse.

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